Hey there and welcome ☺️
I am excited to share with you my art journey. While relatively new to this whole fluid and mixed media art thing, creativity has always been a part of my soul.
I decided to try out fluid art after doing a resin art workshop on a whim with some of my family. Having neither the space or money for resin art, I found fluid art and fell in love. My first few pieces were disastrous and I thought I would never get the hang of it. After doing a lot more research and watching endless videos of creators much more talented than I, I began to develop some better techniques and understand the medium more.
And suddenly I was creating pieces that I loved.
My spare room turned into an art studio, and when that became too small, I converted the garage space into an art workshop. I started creating on canvases that were larger, I started working with texture, and experimenting with colours.
One day I came across a video of a street artist doing a spray painting tutorial. Within about two hours I'd brought some spray paints and was trying my hand at spray painting. I'll admit it was challenging but I enjoyed it. And I was able to create some more realistic pieces - which is something I've always thought I was terrible at and could never do. So this was a bit of a proud moment for me.
One day after a pour that turned out less than appealing, I decided to see if I could turn it around with some spray painting techniques. Which was the real beginning of my mixed media journey.
There has been a lot of ups and downs and moments where I've thought I'm not good enough to be doing this. But reminding myself that art is an expression of yourself, and the only thing required is that you do it. It also helps that my small human looks at my pieces and tells me they're all her favourite, or that I have now had to set up a little station in the corner of the garage for her because she wants to paint like her mumma.
I am proud of taking the step into this journey, and I am grateful for everyone who choses to share in it with me. I appreciate the support and love!
✨️ Good Vibes, ✨️
✨️ Asterin Arts ✨️
STEP 1: Resin Art Workshop - creating a cheese board

STEP 2: Attempt to work with some fluid art kits

STEP 3: Say oh what the hell! and purchase an obscene amount of art supplies and just throw myself into the work
